Homematic News

RaspberryMatic Version veröffentlicht

Es wurde die RaspberryMatic Version (Homematic Firmware 2.31.25) für die RaspberryMatic veröffentlicht.
Mit dieser Firmware werden einige Bugfixes und Änderungen bereitgestellt.
Die letzten großen Homematic Firmware-Änderungen gab es bereits in der Version

Änderungen RaspberryMatic

  • updated HomeMatic/OCCU to version 2.31.25 with full compatibility to CCU2 2.31.25 firmware.
  • updated buildroot/Linux environment to latest stable 2017.11.1 version.
  • updated RaspberryPi Linux kernel to 4.9.77 including compatible RaspberryPi firmware.
  • updated ReGaHss scripting engine version to community version R1.00.0388.0127 (Jan 14 2018) incorporating the following fixes/changes:
    • added “incorrect use” warnings for use of Device() on DP objects and LastTimestamp() and LastTimestampSeconds() on channel objects similar to the already existing warning on incorrect use of AlDestMap().
    • added automatic variable stack enlargement which should allow to deal with way more variables on the script execution stack than before.
    • added default charset encoding iso-8859-1 to all xmlrpc responses so that clients should have additional information to decode xmlrpc responses correctly.
  • implemented automatic firmware update procedure for HmIP-RFUSB
    added WebUI feature to allow the script editor window to correctly resize upon resizing the edit area (#237).
  • added WebUI feature to allow to filter for Devices, Rooms and Functions display and to display the list in the same table form like the other tables used (#238).
  • added WebUI feature to display user shared objects on the main page with units and the same precision like in the rest of UI (#194).
  • added WebUI feature to additionally output values in the system protocol with the same output like in the rest of the UI (#194).
  • fixed WebUI bug where upon using special characters (\n, \r) in system variables could result in an unresponsive UI if displayed in the user shared objects list on the main page (#231).
  • fixed WebUI bug where the JSON response interface returned json responses with invalid, unescaped character sequences (#239).
  • integrated a potential WebUI fix for optimized browser cache management so that hopefully manually clearing the browser cache shouldn’t be required anymore after a version upgrade (#245).
  • fixed RaspberryPi model identification which didn’t identify a, e.g. RaspberryPi2 Rev 1.2.
  • fixed bug in SSH daemon startup which didn’t correct permissions of ssh host keys in case the permissions were set wrong in a restored backup.
  • integrated TCP performance tuning to reduce TCP performance spikes like done on a CCU2.
    minor bugfixes and functional changes.
  • Quelle und Download: https://github.com/jens-maus/RaspberryMatic/releases

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